Kloppersingel bridge

Year 2005 - 2007
Typology Fixed bridge
Location Haarlem, NL
Client Municipality of Haarlem
Architects This project has been designed by Syb van Breda at Royal Haskoning in collaboration with Jorge Moura

Like the concurrently designed Kinderhuis Singel bridge this is a 21st century variant of the classic park bridge with its typical romantic aura. The bridge has a “spine and ribs” structure. Over the whole length it is supported just once by a pylon consisting of four cigar shaped columns. Of course the bridge also allows for easy passage of skaters in the winter season. To be precise the bridge has been designed to the metaphor of a mosquito floating over the water, in Dutch also known as “the skater”.

Kloppersingel brug Haarlem
Kloppersingel brug Haarlem